Monday, March 30, 2020


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Here are 5 must-have foods to aid weight loss:
1. Leafy Greens
There are a number of plants that fall under this category that all work the same way to help you lose weight. The best are spinach, kale, swiss chard, and collards. The first way they help you lose weight is by providing you with a number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These work together to make sure your body is working the way it should.
The other way that these help you lose weight is because they are high in fiber. Fiber keeps your digestive system working the way it’s supposed to which helps you lose weight. It also makes you feel full for longer, which keeps you from eating too many snacks in between meals and can prevent you from eating too much as your next meal.
2. Whole Eggs
Contrary to what was believed for a while, the yolks of eggs are beneficial to people that want to lose weight. Recent studies have proven that whole eggs don’t increase cholesterol or increase your risk of heart attack. In fact, eating eggs will help you lose weight and are a vital part of low-carb diets since they are low in carbs but high in healthy fats and protein.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
This family of vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Like leafy greens, they are high in fiber but low in carbs. They also contain surprisingly high amounts of protein compared to other vegetables, making them an excellent choice for people who want to lose weight. Additionally, they have a number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
4. Salmon
Salmon, along with other oily fish like trout, mackerel, herring, and sardines are excellent for losing weight. The first way they can help you lose weight is by providing you with a good amount of healthy fat. These will help keep you feeling full for longer, and also do a lot for different processes in your body, especially your brain.
Another way that salmon and other fatty fishes can help you lose weight is the amount of iodine they contain. Many people don’t get enough iodine from their diets which can lead to low thyroid function. Because the thyroid controls metabolism, it’s important to keep it running the way it’s supposed to if you’re going to lose weight.
5. Chicken
Along with other white and lean meats, chicken can help you lose weight. This is because of the amount of protein it contains. Protein is a vital part of weight loss because of how much a high-protein diet can contribute to weight loss. In fact, studies have shown that by getting between 25 and 30 percent of your calories from protein, you can lose up to a pound a week just by reducing cravings.

3 Exercises to Ramp Up Your Metabolism

While exercise alone rarely leads to significant weight loss, there are some exercises that can help boost your metabolism and make your weight loss diet more effective. By adding even one metabolism-boosting exercise into your daily routine, you can burn more calories even after the exercise so you can lose weight faster.
Here are 3 exercises to ramp up your metabolism:
1. Strength Training
Any type of strength training will help to permanently boost your metabolism. This is because muscles burn more calories while at rest than fat or anything else in your body, so by building up your muscles so that you have more of them, your body will begin burning more calories throughout the day without you having to do any extra work.
Try to do just 20 minutes of strength training every day, focusing on a different muscle group every day. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or other workout equipment if you want, but there are also a number of strength training exercises that use your body weight. That means that you can get in strength training anywhere and without needing to set up a home gym.
2. Interval Training
You can do interval training with nearly any type of aerobics or cardio exercise. Interval training helps you burn more calories than cardio exercise alone because most cardio exercises require doing them for a long period of time before you’re able to burn a decent number of calories. However, through interval training, you can burn more calories in less time and get a metabolism boost afterwards.
Interval training essentially involves pushing yourself as hard as you can for short bursts of time, then taking a period of rest in between where you’re still moving, but not pushing yourself. For example, if you are running for exercise, you might sprint as hard and fast as you can for 10 seconds, walk for 1 minute, and repeat that five times.

3. Burpees
This is an exercise that combines strength training and cardio, and is one of the best exercises to boost metabolism. It not only gets your heart rate going because it is a high intensity exercise, but it also works out all of your major muscle groups. That means you’ll get a temporary boost in metabolism from the cardio and a permanent boost from working your muscles.
To do a burpee, start from a standing position. Then, do a squat and end with your hands on the ground in front of you. Jump backwards with your feet into a push-up position and do a push-up. Jump your feet forward again and then leap upwards, reaching your hands as high into the air as you can. You can do these in sets or simply try to do as many as possible in a short amount of time.
Keep in mind that whatever exercises you do, they need to be in addition to having a healthy diet so they will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Most of the time, it takes hours of intense exercise to make up for poor eating habits, so start with good eating habits and then add these exercises to boost your metabolism.
TO GET THE SIMPLY SLIM PDF SEND EMAIL TO JERRYBALT4.5@GMAIL.COM, pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Saturday, March 28, 2020


You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:
Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze
Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell
Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell
Don't Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean                                                                              
                                                       STRESS RELIEF STRATEGIES

Everyone deals with some form of stress in their life, and it’s not always easy to find relief. Family and work obligations, personal goals, financial issues, etc.
There are simple ways to effectively manage your stress levels so that they never get to a point where you find yourself crippled by it.
In this report you will learn just some of the many ways you can improve the quality of your life by learning how to properly manage your stress levels.
You will learn to identify stress triggers, manage stress levels and cope with the stress and anxiety.
In these troubling times we all need help in managing our stress here are some tips you can uses.
Title: The Benefits Of Meditation

In today’s email concerning natural stress relief, we’re going to discuss how daily meditation can help with your stress levels. 
This ancient practice is used by people all over the world everyday because it gives them time to 
clear their minds and focus on being present. Perhaps now more than ever it's important to simply live in the moment instead of constantly being 
glued to our technology. When you meditate, you close your eyes and focus 
only on your breathing. It's normal for thoughts to pop up in your mind as you do this, but don't let 
it frustrate you. Simply acknowledge the thought and then let it float away. 

As you incorporate meditation into your daily life, you'll find that those thoughts pop up less and less. 
To set the mood for your meditation session,  find a place and time where distractions are avoidable. 
Perhaps it's early in the morning before everyone in your house wakes up, or on your lunch 
break sitting in your car. While long meditation sessions are beneficial, you really only need 10 minutes a day to see 
long-term results. Completely relax your mind and body and focus only on your breathing. Think about how good it feels to 
breathe in, and then breathe out. Continue doing this and try not to focus on anything other than your 

As you go about your day, practice mindfulness in everything that you do. This means ignoring cell 
phone notifications, thinking about other tasks that have to get done, or taking on more work than 
you can handle. Remember that quality trumps quantity. 
You can also practice yoga, which is often referred to as meditation in motion. 

Just like mindful meditation, you don't need a lot 
of time to do yoga. In fact, your mind and body can see immediate results
with just 10 to 20 minutes a day. And thanks to the internet, there are plenty of 
free videos and articles demonstrating basic yoga moves. 

Be sure to invest in a thick yoga mat before trying 
any moves, so as to cushion your body. And just as with 
mindful meditation, be sure to do it when and where you 
won't be interrupted. 

With regular meditation, both mindful and yoga, you'll 
soon be on the way to living a more relaxing life!
Stay tuned for the next in this series of emails, when 
we'll discuss how something as simple as writing can help 
you alleviate stress. 

Title: The Benefits Of CBD 

In today’s email about natural stress 
relief, we’re going to discuss the benefits 
of cannabis oil

If you're one of the millions of people in the world who suffer from social anxiety, then you may find some relief with cannabis oil. 
More commonly referred to as CBD, cannabis oil has been gaining popularity for its calming effects. But don't confuse it with 
marijuana.  Even though CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, as is marijuana, it's not the same thing. 
Once it's extracted and separated, you can take it without any psychological side effects. 
Unlike marijuana, which has psychoactive properties, CBD simply relaxes you and helps you to think more 

Some have even described it as a fog being lifted from their minds. Because when we're stressed, it 
can be hard to make sense of everything going on at once.  
These amazing side effects is why so many sufferers of social anxiety rely on CBD.  
With regular use, CBD can help you enjoy your life more by increasing the prevention of panic attacks. 
Consider it a preventative, natural, medication to keep you focused and allow you to tackle problems head on. 
There are numerous ways to consume it, too.   

A popular method of consumption is supplement ingestion. Many online retailers and grocery stores now carry it,
often in both pill and capsule form. You can also find prepackaged drinks that contain CBD.   
There's also an option to apply it directly underneath your tongue. Simply take ingestible CBD oil and place a few drops 
under the tongue, holding your tongue down to allow it to soak in. 
If you find that you do prefer the concentrated oil but don't want to taste it, there are other ways to 
get it in your system. Take some of the oil and mix it into your favorite drink, 
or add it to something that you're going to eat. You can also find something called edibles, which are pre-made foods 
that contain CBD.   

Whichever way you choose to take CBD, it's sure to help you naturally relieve stress.  
Stay tuned for the next in this series of emails, when we'll discuss how herbal teas can help you alleviate stress. 

TO GET THE FULL REPORT DROP ME AN EMAIL AT JERRYBALT4.5@GAIL.COM, pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Send Holiday Flowers

Living an abundant life is available to all individuals on this Earth and it all depends on the mindset.

You will find an abundant, happy and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your 

thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process.

Know that anyone can successfully access an abundance mindset and achieve whatever 

they deeply want and believe they deserve.

Here are what you will learn in this guide:

How you can benefit from adopting a new mindset and live an unlimited life;

The research behind an abundance mindset and why you should make the switch;

6 rules to live an abundant life and keep stress away forever;

Why you need to adopt an abundance mindset to improve your life;

How to reframe your thoughts to attract more abundance;

How to adopt habits of successful people and become more aware of your behaviors;

How to create a life that is fulfilling and happy while reducing your financial burden;

* secrets of the law of abundance that will give you more; confidence in your abilities to manifest what you desire;

* habits that blocks you from accessing abundance and how you can transform them for more opportunities;

*Successful coaching technique that will help you reach your goals and realize your wildest dream;

*How to apply changes in various areas of your life to create more wealth;

* Things you can do in your daily life to attract abundance and do more of what you love;
Customized activities that will help you apply the changes right away and start manifesting abundance in the present moment;


Monday, January 27, 2020

Make Some Money 2

OK. Here we Go again. a second round of make some extra money. I am note going to but your


about how hard it is to make some money online, I am just going to show some ways to do it so here

we go.

By participating in MySoapBox™ opportunities you consent to MySoapBox using any personal data you provide for market research purposes, and permit MySoapBox to share that data with other market research companies in order to offer you oppertunities to participate in their market research studies. By participating, you furthermore agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. All responses will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for research purposes only. 

Bonfire is a design and technology company specializing in custom apparel. We help people sell shirts online, fundraise for a good cause, or simply order custom printed products direct.
We strive to build simple products and meaningful partnerships that strengthen and inspire communities.

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We are providing an easy to use platform for people willing to make money online without investment and from scratch, no website, no previous experience and no money what you need is only a few hours per day to earn money using our simple solution.
We are providing a multiple money making options in one place available for world wide members no matter what is your country or your language you can start today and make money forever.
Respecting our rules is a must to keep your account safe and in good condition, you are not allowed to promote using a paid solution or to buy referrals or to pay people to complete a task for you, you are the only one allowed to work on our platform (expect our external offers) and any other co-working will be permanently banned
Instead, anyone can have an account to work with without any problem.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evaluate your reason's to start your own business.

Send Holiday Flowers

So, You Want Your Own Business!

There are many reasons for wanting to start your own business, and most of us get to this point.  Which one of the following applies to you?

reusable facemask

  • Freedom from daily routine.
  • Doing what I want when I want.
  • Improve my living standard.
  • I want creative freedom.
  • I want to fully use my skills, knowledge and education.
  • I have a product/idea/service that people need.
  • I’ll have more time with the family.
  • I won’t have a dress code.
  • There are good tax breaks for business owners.
  • I’m a Type B person and work best alone.
  • I want to be my own boss.
  • I want to make the decisions.

Now granted, every one of the above is a good reason for wanting your own business.  The rub is, that not many people think the process through – step by step.  There are 7 phases to business planning.  They are:

  1. Investigation Phase
  2. Planning Phase
  3. Start-up Phase
  4. Operating/Monitoring Phase
  5. Problem/Challenge resolution Phases
  6. Renewal/Expansion Phase
  7. Selling, Transferring, Retirement Phase

We’ll cover all of the above in my next few columns as a “Business Basics” refresher, but for today let’s take number one.

In the Investigation Phase you look at yourself and also your business options.  There are careers that are suited to personality types, so the first thing you must discern is “Which personality type am I?”

Duty Fulfillers

            This is an introverted personality who is serious, quiet, thorough, orderly, matter of fact, logical, realistic, and dependable.  They take responsibility, are well organized, know what should be accomplished and work steadily toward it disregarding distractions.  They are careful calculators, and 20% of this group become accountants.

The Mechanics

            These are also introverts and are cool onlookers.  They are quiet, reserved, observing, and analyzing life with a detached curiosity and have unexpected flashes of original humor.  They’re usually interested in cause and effect, how and why mechanical things work, and in organizing facts using logical principles.  They usually are craftsmen, mechanics, or handymen with about 10% becoming farmers.

The Doers

            These people are extraverts who are good at on-the-spot problem solving, don’t worry, enjoy whatever comes along, are adaptable, tolerant, and generally conservative in values.  They tend to like mechanical things and sports, and dislike long explanations. They are best with “real” things that can be worked, handled, taken apart, or put together. About 10% of this type go into marketing or become Impresarios.

The Executives

            These are another extravert group and are hearty, frank, decisive, leaders in activities and usually good in anything that requires reasoning and intelligent talk, such as public speaking.  They’re usually well informed and enjoy adding to their fund of knowledge.  They may sometimes appear more positive and confident than their experience in an area warrant.  They’re sometimes called “judgers” and “thinkers” and 21% of this group become legal administrators.

To go into each personality type would be far too complicated, but to give you an idea of the roles that personality types could fall into look at the following list.  Beside the categories we covered in depth here are some simply broken down into Introvert or Extravert Personality.

Introverts choose careers that satisfy being:

  • Nurturers
  • Guardians
  • Artists
  • Scientists
  • Protectors
  • Idealists

Extraverts are usually:

  • Performers
  • Visionaries
  • The Inspirers
  • Givers
  • Caregivers

The second part of the Investigating Phase is looking at your business options.  When choosing the business, you want to start considering the following:

  • Do you like to work with your hands or brain, or both?
  • Does working indoors or outdoors matter?
  • Are you good at math, writing, puzzles, blueprints, installing things or fixing things?
  • What interests you? What are your hobbies?
  • Do you like to work alone or as part of a team?
  • Do you like to plan things, or go to events?
  • Do you like machines, computers?
  • Do you like to drive or operate equipment?
  • Do you like to travel, collect/display things, give/attend shows, or take pictures?
  • Are you small, large, strong?

Make a list of your likes and dislikes.  Keep a diary of things you do that relate to business and rate each entry from 1 to 5 based on your interest.  Then prepare a list of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and concerns.  After doing all that, you should have a list of candidate businesses that are right for you.  Then you can make a list of the “candidate businesses” and rate them from 1 to 5 based on your own chosen criteria.

Some criteria could be is it feasible, low in cost to establish, meets my objectives, will make money, there is a “niche” market of existing customers, or it will produce residual income to name just a few.

By the time you’ve accomplished all that, you should seriously consider visiting the local chapter of S.C.O.R.E. or your own mentor to use as a sounding board for your plan.  Next week, if I haven’t dissuaded you so far, we’ll cover the Planning Phase.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019



Every year thousands of men and women across America sign on with

direct selling firm-Tupperware, Amway, or a cosmetic

company-hoping to make money enough for new draperies, a new

davenport, or some new clothes. They sell a little merchandise to

a few relatives and close friends. Then they are through. They

quit before they give themselves a chance to learn the basics of

success in sales. "I am simply not a born salesperson," they

often say.

No one is born a salesperson, any more than one is born a doctor

or born a lawyer. Sales are a profession. To be successful in any

profession one must learn not only the basic techniques, but also

how to apply those techniques. Success in sales makes use of all

the abilities one is born with, plus all those acquired through

education and experience.

If you are looking for a career opportunity or "extra income" to

help with the family budget, direct selling offers you

dream-fulfilling possibilities. However, you must give yourself

time to learn the techniques of sales. Ask yourself. "How long

does a doctor to be study? A lawyer to be study?"

Direct selling is marketing a product directly to the consumer

with no middleman involved. Most reliable firms are members of

the National Association of Direct Selling

Companies. They bring to the public fine products that are

modestly priced in order to insure mass consumption.

Most direct selling companies furnish their representatives with

a starter kit and essential supplies below-cost prices. In many

instances the investment is under $100.

There is an adage which says "Give a man a fish and you feed

him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a


Many of them were able to change their lives for the better. They

took their families on nice vacations. They purchased a piano or

an organ and provided music lessons for their children. They

saved money for college education. They redecorated their homes,

bought needed furniture. One highly successful saleslady-built a

new home.

The rewards of direct selling are many

1. You can be your own boss.

2. You can set your own hours.

3. You can own your own businesses with little or no investment.

4. You can pay yourself more than any boss would ever pay you.

5. You can give yourself regular raises as your business grows.

It is only fair to tell you that there are failures, too. There

are people who will not work for themselves. When working for a

boss, they rise early, are well-groomed, and get to the office on

time. However, when they are their own boss, they are still in a

bathrobe, drinking one more cup of coffee at 11:00 A.M.

If you can be your own boss and discipline yourself to do what

has to be done when it has to be done, direct selling offers a

most unusual earning opportunity.


Here are ten steps that will assure your success:

1. BE AGOAL SETTER. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want

to save for college education for your children. A new car? A

new home? You can have whatever you want, but you must want it

enough to do the things that have to be done to get it. Whatever

your goal write it down and set a target date for reaching it.

Divide the time period into blocks of achievement that are

reachable. Work consistently toward accomplishing each day, each

week, each month what you set out to do. Goal setting is a must

in every area of life. Little is ever accomplished without

definite goals.

2. BE A LIST MAKER. Each evening list all the things you want to

get done the following day. That gives you an organized approach

to each day. As each task is finished, mark it off your list. It

is amazing how much gets done when one works with a

"things-to-do" list. Also, have a notebook listing appointment,

potential clients, repeat clients, and referrals, and keep it

with you at all times. You will be adding to it constantly.

3. BEENTHUSIASTIC. Enthusiasm is the high-octane "fuel" that

salespeople run on. Enthusiasm generates its own energy. Energy

and good health are synonymous with busy, happy people, people

who are achieving?

sales we don't have to wait for business to come to us. We create

our own business by asking for it. Ask for appointments, then you

can do business. Ask for business, then you will close sales. Ask

for referrals, then you always have a full list of potential

clients. Be quietly, yet firmly aggressive.

5. EXPECT NO'S. Realize that no's are not personal. In sales, as

perhaps nowhere else, the law of averages works. Every no gets

you closer to a yes. Keep track of your ratio. It will help

improve your techniques. Are you getting ten no's to one yes? Is

your ratio five to one? Remember, the yes's are your income. Also

remember that "no" does not necessarily mean "no." Often a "no"

is simply a stall for more time to think. It may be a request for

more information about your product or your service. What your

client is actually buying is assurance. Assure here by your

helpful attitude and your complete honesty, that you want what is

best for her. She will most likely respect you and do business

with you.

6.SCHEDULE TIME WISELY. A schedule is the roadmap by which

salespeople travel. It takes the frustration out of the day. It

assures that the necessary things get done and get done on time.

Plan your work then work your plan.

7. BEPOSITIVE IN YOUR ATTITUDE. Success in sales, as in all

areas of life are 90 percent attitude and 10 percent aptitude. All

of us must work at developing habits of constructive thinking. I

am proud to be a salesperson. Sales make the wheels of our

economy turns. Bernard Baruch, advisor to several presidents, is

quoted as saying, "If every salesperson sat down and took no

orders for twenty-four hours, it would bankrupt our country!"

Every company that manufactures any kind of product depends upon

salespeople to move that product. Without salespeople business

would be paralyzed.

Remember, sales are one of the highest paid of all professions.

Statistics show that good salespeople enjoy incomes far above the


8. HAVEAN OFFICE AREA. Most direct salespeople work from their

own homes, but it is essential to have a place where you can work

in a organized and efficient manner. An office plus a strict

working schedule gives you dignity. Both are essential

for efficient operation and accurate record keeping, so important

to the success of any business.

9. BE INVOLVED. Most sales organization offer contests to

stimulate production. Include winning contests as part of your

business goals. Contests make your business fun as well as adding

considerable dollar value to your income.


job usually means a paycheck at the end of the second week.

Direct sales "reps" handle money constantly. Direct sales is

instant income and constant income. Therefore. it is absolutely

necessary to become an efficient money manager.

Deposit every penny collected from

clients into a checking account set up especially for its

business. Since bank statements show an exact record of all

monies collected, and business expenses can be verified by

canceled checks, record keeping becomes simple and accurate.

Everything except a few "petty cash" transactions can be directly

taken from bank statements.

Money saved regularly and put at interest, soon develops a second

income in addition to earned income. A long-term goal, which is

realistic in direct sales, is to be able to live in retirement

off the interest earned on savings.

Would financial security mean a lot to you? If so, ask yourself

these questions:

* Am I honest?

* Do I really like people?

* Am I willing to learn?

* Am I willing to work?

* Am I capable of being my own boss?

If your answers are yes, to find a good product

for the direct sales market, one that you like, one that fills

the need of a lot of people and go to work for yourself! You

can turn dreams into reality.


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