Showing posts with label stress management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress management. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2017


People seldom take notice of something that has been around forever, things that they see and use everyday, what doe's git their attention is the thing that is new and different. Same products but with a new more efficient twist. Unfortunately the human body and mind doesn't work like that. In these modern fast paced time we all seek to accomplish or task at a lightning pace or as soon as possible. But what many of us fail to understand is in the process of getting things done at a break neck pace we are causing a serious amount of frustration, grief, anxiety, and yes, stress on our body and mind .

There are many variants when it comes to dealing with stress. Some healthy and many not so much. So many people have trouble dealing with it that they take the easy way out. They may use alcohol or drugs, or become abusive and over bearing but all these are negative action that will inevitably lead to more complication and problems. So what do you do? Well the first thing you should do is identify what is stressing you out and what are the trigger that set you off. Or you can seek professional help. Believe me there are tons of psychoanalysis just waiting to take your money. But I learned a long time ago it always best to keep it simple as possible.

OK, here we go. Like I first mention the very first thing you need to do is acknowledge what is causing you stress. Face it, embrace it control it. look at where it is coming from and what is causing the problem in the first place. In doing this first you put a face on it which takes away some of power over you. Many times the lack of knowledge causes fear of the unknown which in turn will cause you stress. We humans have a survival mechanism called “The Fight Or Flight Response”, when faced with dangerous or stressful situations our brains releases chemicals that give you a burst or energy or strength that can enable you to exit the situation or confront it. Many top athletes use stress wisely to push themselves a little bit harder when it counts most. Here we see that self-knowledge is the key.

Next find what is your trigger. Normally stress takes a moment to build and then will come to a point where it can cause an eruption of emotions. This is the trigger to identify what will push you over the top, what is the tipping point. Stressed people can be infectious indiscriminately so Protect yourself by recognizing stress in others and limiting your contact with them, or teach them how to better manage themselves.

I recommend Learning from the best, when people around are losing their head, who keeps calm? What are they doing differently? What is their attitude? What tone of voice do they use? Are they trained and experienced? Figure it out from afar or sit them down for a chat. Learn from the best stress managers and copy what they do. Actually I recommend this technique in many facades of success driven activities. Learning from the someone who has talent is always helpful.

Monitor you body and mind. Adjust how you look at the world. Many time we cause ourselves stress because we set very high goals that are not reasonable and start to worry when we fall short. One way not worry about stress is to eliminate it. take on smaller bites of the pie and set you goal where you know you can achieve the desired outcome. You can trick your body into relaxing by using heavy breathing. Breathe in slowly for a count of 7 then breathe out for a count of 11. Repeat the 7-11 breathing until your heart rate slows down, your sweaty palms dry off and things start to feel more normal. I recommend meditation. I call it me time where I turn off the television and radio, turn the light low or off and sit quietly and focus on my breathing and whats around me but in a relaxed manner using my minds eye to see without forcing my thoughts. Start with five minuets and work your way up. This works wonders but you have to practice., pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I cannot express this any more strongly than I am right now. Listen to you mother and listen to you body! When you get hungry eat when you get tired get some rest. Burn the candle at one end, lack of sleep, poor diet and no exercise wreaks havoc on our body and mind. You would think this to be obvious but think about it how many times have you pushed yourself to do something when you knew you weren't a hundred percent. So please take the time to take care of yourself. I have a one liner I use to keep myself on track, “If you don't take care of yourself you won't be able to take care of anyone else.”
don't burn the candle at both ends!

These are just some basic stress decompression techniques but they might save you from seeking professional help, but if you need professionals do not hesitate, do not fall into a pit of denial, always learn from the best. Good luck live long and prosper.


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