JH ENTERPRISE is Publisher of information,products and service's for dissemination of information to the general consumer and to other organization's that will enable them to full-fill their goals and meet their needs.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
consumer products
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Publisher and Editor Concession
Hello, My name is Jerry and this my Blog which I have been doing
since 2006. I hope the information I have been providing you with has
been useful to you and your families and you have profited from it
in some way and that it has enriched your life. but with the on set of
Covid-19 in the world everyone has been affected. with cases ready
to top 120,000 in the united states everyone is feeling the pinch from
the economic effect of the pandemic. Therefor I have no other choice
Myself but to reach out to you my friend, my reader and ask humble
that if you could spare anything as a one time donation I would gladly
appreciate you help. But life still goes on and I will bring Quality information & services
to you as long as I can
share and like you are greatly greatly appreciated, thank you.
PINCHme is a place to discover and try new products
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Monday, July 11, 2011
JH ENTERPRISE: My cheif aim is...
JH ENTERPRISE is Publisher of information, products and service's for dissemination of information to the general consumer and to other organization's that will enable them to full-fill their goals and meet their needs. I aim to provide information, products and service of high caliber and unique design that is most beneficial to the user enabling him or her to find the most acceptable and reasonable product or service for their particular desire and usage, which in effect will cause the user to have maximum enjoyment and efficiency by disseminating current and meaningful content. My deepest hope is that in using and searching thru the advertisers and products I offer that you find merchandise that enhances and improves the quality of life for you and your family, Yes I as any other business person I wants to make money, but at what cost? I believe that if I can serve you in a truthful and honest manner that you will reward me with your trust.
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The Information And Links I will provide you with on this page are ongoing and growing so it will be to your best interest to check back ...
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What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know? Dress well no matter what the occasion. Always carry cash Listen, nod and most o...