Monday, January 16, 2017

The Seven Economic Rules


    A set of seven fundamental notions that reflect the study of economics and how the economy operates. They are: (1) scarcity, (2) subjectivity, (3) inequality, (4) competition, (5) imperfection, (6) ignorance, and (7) complexity.

Like driving has an assortment of traffic laws, a journey through economics has a few rules of its own. While breaking these seven economic rules will not result in a ticket or jail time, it could limit an understanding of the subject.

Here is a brief look at these seven economic rules:

    SCARCITY: The economic pie is limited. Society has limited resources and unlimited wants and needs. Because there is only so much to go around and everyone wants more than they have, what one gets, another does not. That means that virtually every good produced, every action taken has an opportunity cost.

    SUBJECTIVITY: Prices depend on preferences. The value of goods and services is subjective. Buyers have personal likes and dislikes and are willing to pay different prices for goods. Sellers base prices on production costs which depend on the subjective value that resource owners place on their resources.

    INEQUALITY: Life is not fair. Resources, goods, services, income, and wealth are not equally distributed. Some people have more than others. Inequality can be caused by differences in natural abilities, parental wealth, the luck of birth, and other factors beyond one's control. Inequality also results from effort, education, training, shrewd decision making, and just plain hard work.
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    COMPETITION: Competition is good. Competitive markets promote efficiency. Competition among buyers in search of products and competition among sellers in search of buyers brings out the best in both--and in the economy. Limited competition on either side is bad for the market and bad for the economy. Limited competition among sellers causes higher prices for buyers. Limited competition among buyers leads to lower prices for sellers.

    IMPERFECTION: Nothing is perfect and never will be. Society can fix some problems, but not every one. Seeking perfection from an imperfect world can be frustrating and even counter productive. Markets, a useful way to deal with scarcity in many circumstances, have deficiencies that can be corrected only by government action. Some deficiencies are minor, others are monumental. Governments, however, are also flawed. Government actions intended to fix market flaws are also imperfect. Invariably, the choice in a mixed economy is between the lesser of imperfections.
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    IGNORANCE: Nobody knows everything. Information is a scarce good. Acquiring information is governed by the same scarcity problem as any production. It requires limited resources that have alternative uses. This imposes an opportunity cost on society. The cost of getting information limits how much anyone can "buy." That is why everyone is ignorant about something. Sellers who have a good usually have more relevant information than buyers who want it.

    COMPLEXITY: There is more than meets the eye. The world is a complex beast. Society has millions of people interacting in production, consumption, and allocation activities. Every action, every purchase, every production, every sale, has several effects. Some effects are intended and obvious, others are unintended and more subtle. An action that may be good for one person, may be just as bad for another. Click Here!, pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, December 16, 2016

We The People., pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The Bill of Rights

We as Americans have a tremendous regard and respect for the framers of our Constitution because it was they that laid the foundation stones for the greatest country on earth.  But on top of the many amazing aspects of the Constitution, one stands out as an act of wisdom and foresight that made sure the Constitution would remain a living document for centuries.  That was the provision of the Constitution that allowed for the addition of amendments.

It was not long after the Constitution was ratified that the first ten amendments were indeed organized and became law.  That those ten amendments have become as central to the American system of government as the Constitution itself.  They have come to be known as the Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights are so deeply engrained in the American consciousness that they are often referenced in conversations about issues, how Americans work and live together and our relationship with the government.  The true genius of the Bill of Rights was the work it did to severely limit the ability of the government of the United States to ever interfere with the fundamental rights of its citizens.  This is a stunning achievement at a governmental level when you think in terms of legal systems of governments throughout history and around the world. 

These ten amendments assure that the rights of citizens in this country are forever protected from any move by any administration to take those rights and give them to the government itself.  As such, the government is forever banned from getting too strong and it relegates the government to a servant role in society which so often is not the case in governmental politics elsewhere in the world.

The ten amendments to the Constitution cover the core rights of Americans including…

1.    Freedom of Religion, free speech, freedom of the press and the fundamental right of assembly without fear of harassment from the government.  Also the right to petition the government to seek relief for grievances caused by the government.
2.    The right to bear arms.
3.    Protection from the forced habitation of troops in civilian homes in a time of conflict.
4.    Protection from unreasonable search and seizure as part of a criminal investigation.
5.    The right to due process when being accused of a crime.
6.    The right to a jury trial, to be allowed to cross examine your accusers and other rights of accused to assure Americans cannot be “railroaded” by the legal system.
7.    The right to civil trail by jury
8.    Protection against cruel and unusual punishment and the right to bail.
9.    Protection of rights not specifically spelled out in these ten amendments
10.    Protection of states rights.

Of these rights, the ones listed in the first amendment are most often quoted and most cherished by Americans.  The original authorship of the Bill of Rights is credited to James Madison.  These basic rules of order for how the government will respect its own citizenry set in place and entitlement of rights by American citizens that has fundamentally shaped this country and how Americans come to expect its government to behave. 

It endowed the citizenry of the land with an expectation that the rights of the citizens of the country at a very basic level are more important than the rights of the government and that the government “works for us” which is a phenomenal change to the way societies have been organized throughout history.  As such, The Bill of Rights is one of the many reasons that America can be regarded as the most unique country in the world and the country that many citizens of other nations wish their own counties would emulate.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to create independence.


While getting money thru inheritances is nice it is seldom that most of us will inherit a big steak, but it is documented that eighty percent of wealth was earned through jobs, small business and investments.

These behaviors are linked to greater wealth potential for people of all ages.

Their are four key traits to making money;

 This doesn't mean you have to be a cheapskate, but it does help, but what it mean is to look for ways that you can trim the fat off the way you spend and the fee's you pay to use your own money. Like instead of paying your bank a monthly account handling fee, look for a institution that has zero fee with direct deposit and channel the money you save into a savings account. Or instead of buying that latte look for a cheaper brand with the same or as good a quality and throw the difference into a money change bottle, when it gets full deposit it in the bank you will be surprised at how fast that pocket change can add up.Before making any big ticket purchase make sure to shop around, ask question talk to people who are knowledgeable in that industry, not just your family members, they call this performing your "due diligence",it can save you a lot of headaches and money.

 Performing the first task will give you the facts you need to move forward with assurance that you know you have knowledge to make good decisions, this will grow your confidence in your decision making process's to making money.

 Remember that no matter what, whether you succeed or fail the buck stops with you. It is your money so it is in your best interest to be responsible and keep your feet on the ground especially as your funds begin to grow and you become more abundant. Normally this is when people become over confidant and make mistakes in their finances.

4. Social indifference,IE the strength to avoid throwing money at fads;
 Social indifference does not mean to walk around dressed twenty years in the past, what it doe's mean is not following the crowds spending money on item that have no substance and is over priced that will out dated withing six months to a year when the next thing comes along. Of course everyone like nice things but before you spend that hard earned money ask yourself a few questions

A.Do I really need this?
B.Will this thing last and is it worth the money?
c.How will this item help me improve and advance my circumstance's?

Taking small step can propel you forward a great deal., pub-8577904012707424, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Monday, September 12, 2016

skin types/ skin properties part 2

 skin types/ skin properties/ health & Beauty aids- information :

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Knowledge about individual skin properties is helpful for choosing adequate skin care products and treatment regimens. Common definitions of skin types and skin properties are listed below. The following aspects should be considered in this context:

Click Here!     Individual skin type may change due to external (e.g. climate, skin care) and internal (e.g. medic skin types/ skin propertiesations, hormonal changes) factors over time – it is not static
    Several skin types and properties may be present simultaneously in an individual in different localisations, e.g. oily skin with irritated skin patches

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Click Here! normal skin

Normal skin displays a smooth texture and a rosy, clear surface, with fine pores. There are no visible blemishes, greasy patches or flaky areas. Sebum production, moisture content, keratinisation and desquamation are well-balanced. Normal skin is often found in young persons.

dry skin

Dry skin is characterised by a lack of moisture in its corneous layer, resulting in tightness and even flaking. The skin appears dull, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. It may lack elasticity, with accentuated fine lines and wrinkles. In more severe cases, itching and burning may occur. Extremely dry skin shows signs of cracking and fissuring.
Dry skin can be genetically determined or triggered by factors such as climate, cosmetics and medications. It can be a natural consequence of the ageing process, as sebum production slows down.

oily skin
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Oily skin is characterised by an increased amount of lipids on the skin surface due to overactive sebaceous glands. It is shiny and thick, often with enlarged pores. Oily skin is prone to blackheads and other blemishes. It occurs more often in men than in women, and it predominantly affects adolescents and younger persons.

combination skin
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Combination skin is rather dry in some parts of the body and oily in other localisations. Mixed facial skin tends toward dryness on the cheeks and around the eyes while being oily in the t-zone (nose, forehead, chin). The dry parts and the oily parts require different skin care regimens. This skin type is very common.

sensitive skin
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“Sensitive skin” is not a skin type, but rather a symptom caused by various factors. Patients tend to describe their skin as “sensitive” if it frequently reacts with redness, itching, burning or dryness to the topical application of skin care products. Causes for this condition may be an underlying skin disorder, allergies, contact to irritants in certain products, or the use of inadequate, not skin type-adjusted products. Most commonly, the facial skin is involved.

mature skin

With age, the skin’s sebum production slows down, often leading to increased dryness, an accentuation of fine lines and wrinkles, and flakiness. The skin may appear dull, and finally start to itch and burn. In women, the shifting balance of hormones with menopause causes various changes. As their skin thins considerably after the menopause, women’s skin may become more sensitive to sun damage and weather extremes. Another problem is hyperpigmentation, especially in persons with a long history of sun exposure. While it is important to meet the needs of mature skin, it is necessary to keep in mind that not all persons over 40 experience the above-mentioned problems. Therefore different skin care regimens may be necessary in persons of the same age according to their skin type.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Let's Live Better together

The Information And Links I will provide you with on this page are ongoing and growing so it will be to your best interest to check back often, better yet go to and subscribe so you will no when I update this page, I wish you the best let's grow together.  Jerry.

My goal is to achieve the highest possible standard in all that I do. my
number one priority and commitment is to offer at all times a world class product and service
which will enables my customer to fulfill their desires and needs, therefore creating a lasting relationship, some cosmetic makeup products manufacturers have managed to create modern and strong range of skin care cosmetics which I will bring to you.
•Good quality products at competitive prices.
•Excellent customer service that will promote customer loyalty.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

skin types/ skin properties

Knowledge about individual skin properties is helpful for choosing

adequate skin care products and treatment regimens. Common

definitions of skin types and skin properties are listed below. The

following aspects should be considered in this context:

    Individual skin type may change due to external (e.g. climate,

skin care) and internal (e.g. medications, hormonal changes)

factors over time – it is not static
    Several skin types and properties may be present simultaneously

in an individual in different localisations, e.g. oily skin with irritated

skin patches

normal skin

Normal skin displays a smooth texture and a rosy, clear surface,

with fine pores. There are no visible blemishes, greasy patches or

flaky areas. Sebum production, moisture content, keratinisation and

desquamation are well-balanced. Normal skin is often found in

young persons.

dry skin
Dry skin is characterised by a lack of moisture in its corneous layer,

resulting in tightness and even flaking. The skin appears dull,

especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. It may lack elasticity,

with accentuated fine lines and wrinkles. In more severe cases,

itching and burning may occur. Extremely dry skin shows signs of

cracking and fissuring.
Dry skin can be genetically determined or triggered by factors such

as climate, cosmetics and medications. It can be a natural

consequence of the ageing process, as sebum production slows


oily skin

Oily skin is characterised by an increased amount of lipids on the

skin surface due to overactive sebaceous glands. It is shiny and

thick, often with enlarged pores. Oily skin is prone to blackheads

and other blemishes. It occurs more often in men than in women,

and it predominantly affects adolescents and younger persons.

combination skin

Combination skin is rather dry in some parts of the body and oily in

other localisations. Mixed facial skin tends toward dryness on the

cheeks and around the eyes while being oily in the t-zone (nose,

forehead, chin). The dry parts and the oily parts require different

skin care regimens. This skin type is very common.

sensitive skin

“Sensitive skin” is not a skin type, but rather a symptom caused by

various factors. Patients tend to describe their skin as “sensitive” if

it frequently reacts with redness, itching, burning or dryness to the

topical application of skin care products. Causes for this condition

may be an underlying skin disorder, allergies, contact to irritants in

certain products, or the use of inadequate, not skin type-adjusted

products. Most commonly, the facial skin is involved.

mature skin

With age, the skin’s sebum production slows down, often leading to

increased dryness, an accentuation of fine lines and wrinkles, and

flakiness. The skin may appear dull, and finally start to itch and

burn. In women, the shifting balance of hormones with menopause

causes various changes. As their skin thins considerably after the

menopause, women’s skin may become more sensitive to sun

damage and weather extremes. Another problem is

hyperpigmentation, especially in persons with a long history of sun

exposure. While it is important to meet the needs of mature skin, it

is necessary to keep in mind that not all persons over 40

experience the above-mentioned problems. Therefore different skin

care regimens may be necessary in persons of the same age

according to their skin type.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


    Why the Incompetent Get Promoted

The Most Toxic Types of People to Avoid at Work
How to deal with complainers, gossipers and bullies.
Apr 21st 2015 8:25AM

By Robin Madell

Anyone who has ever worked in an office knows there's more to succeeding at your job than just doing the work itself. A big part of almost any position involves "relationship management" – in other words, knowing how to get along with different personality types.

But being a team player and navigating office politics can only take you so far. Even experienced employees can quickly feel like they're drowning in quicksand when working with toxic people. "When you are dealing with a toxic personality, it's like being close to an electric fence – it can be hazardous to your health," says Linda Swindling, author of "Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers: How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done."
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While it's impossible to avoid all difficult people at work, learning to recognize common problematic personalities can be helpful, and in some cases, it can save your career. Once you know the type of person you're dealing with, it's easier to shift gears from "business as usual" relationship management to specific strategies that can minimize the damage such people can do to those around them when left unchecked in the office.

Here are telltale signs of three toxic types of people you may encounter in your company and how to deal with them most effectively:

Constant complainer. Negativity is draining and depressing, both for the person complaining and those around him or her. While there are certainly plenty of legitimate issues one might complain about at work, beware of people who seem perpetually dissatisfied and are constantly kvetching about issues at work that can't be changed.

While you may initially feel compelled to lend an ear, associating yourself too closely with this personality type can mark you as one of the same, according to New York-based clinical psychologist Michael Brustein.

"If you join in negative talk with the depressed complainer, other colleagues may notice your dissatisfaction and be repelled by you," he says. "If complaining continues, it won't be long before your supervisor or boss becomes aware, which could be drastic."

Instead of showing sympathy or chiming in, Brustein suggests trying to avoid constant complainers. "This often can be done simply by not complaining, since complaining is their major method of connecting and relating," he says. "If you cannot avoid them, be friendly and cordial, but keep the conversation light."

Boundaryless BFF. It's nice to have allies at work, and over time, some colleagues may consider themselves to be friends as well as co-workers. But when a peer or boss comes on too strong and quickly in the friendship department, see it as a red flag.

Certified etiquette instructor Callista Gould warns that when starting a job in a new workplace, the first person who wants to be your best friend may not be genuine. "Beware the office gossip who takes a personal interest in you," she says. "That person may be mining for information to be used against you."

Tara A. Goodfellow, managing director of Athena Educational Consultants, notes that the same type of "too close" personality can be seen in some supervisors who want to be pals with their direct reports, grabbing lunch every day and hanging out together after hours. "This has become more challenging with the oversharing of social media and more of a blended work philosophy," she says. "It can really strain the professional relationship over time."

To handle personalities who are too chummy at work, she recommends keeping your own boundaries strong by limiting the outside-of-work activities and including others in the plans, like by setting up a monthly full-team after-hours event.

Office bully. According to 2015 research by Connectria Hosting, more than half (55 percent) of all professionals surveyed have been bullied by a co-worker, and 65 percent say they have "dreaded" going to work because of a colleague.

While you may not recognize the signs of bullying in the office as easily as you do on the children's playground, bullying of adults is very prevalent and can damage a professional's esteem and performance quickly. The Workplace Bullying Institute describes bullying as "a systematic campaign of interpersonal destruction that jeopardizes your health, your career [and] the job you once loved." Common experiences include being constantly undermined in meetings and told your work isn't good enough no matter what you do, as well as being yelled at and ostracized by others.

WBI recommends a three-step target action plan to defend yourself against bullying. First, name this type of harassment for what it is – bullying or emotional abuse – rather than pretend it isn't happening. Second, take time off to recover from the effects of bullying before you launch your counterattack. Third, expose the bully to your employer using a business case based on the costs of bullying to the organization. This worksheet from WBI will help you determine these costs in language that speaks most loudly to employers.

"Unfortunately, co-workers and colleagues that could be hazardous don't come with a label," Brustein says. But knowing the personality types you're dealing with just may help you handle those in the "toxic" category before they hurt your career.
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