Tuesday, June 26, 2018

You Need Multiple Streams of Income

Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income to Be Financially Secure
Posted on April 11, 2018 by Chonce in Earning More
This post may contain affiliate links.
How many streams of income do you have? This is what we should ask when meeting someone new rather than the old “What do you do for a living?”. Sure it’s a bold thing to ask, but inquiring minds want to know. With job security steadily decreasing, having multiple streams of income is the best solution.
Most of us have different streams of income and don’t even realize it. For instance, if you have a spouse and both of you earn a paycheck from different sources, that counts as multiple streams of income!
Overwhelmed at the thought of having multiple sources of income? Here’s why you need to start creating multiple streams of income as well as legitimate residual income ideas that will help you make more money.
multiple streams of income breeds more security
An obvious benefit of having multiple streams of income is being able to make extra money. You can always ask for a raise or switch jobs or even careers to earn more, but that doesn’t guarantee a significant pay bump.
Plus, what happens if you lose that job? Your entire salary is gone altogether. Having multiple sources of income allows you to diversify so if you lose one source of income, the others continue to provide.
As a freelancer, I’m able to make my income more secure by working with multiple clients. With various income sources, I feel like I have more job security than someone who has just one employer.
When I worked a 9-5 job, I freelanced on the side. That enabled me to increase my income by over $1,000 per month in a short amount of time. Had I relied only on the income from my main job, I wouldn’t have received that type of pay raise for several years.
Pay Down Debt Faster
With an increased income thanks to multiple streams of income, you can pay off debt faster.
Paying just the minimum on your debt sucks. It takes forever and you end up paying a ton of interest. To save yourself some time and money, you need to make extra payments beyond the minimum amount each month.
To do this, you have to cut expenses and earn more. Once you’ve reduced your budget as low as possible, it’s time to start earning more money. Getting a side hustle (or a few) can provide you with the extra funds you need to become debt free quicker.
A good strategy is to use your main source of income to cover your basic expenses while you direct all your income from other sources toward debt.
Save More and Start Building Wealth
Just as having multiple income streams can help you pay off more debt faster, it can also help you save more money.
The same principles discussed in the previous section can be used to boost your savings account instead.
A common financial issue I’ve noticed is people struggling to save enough money, whether for emergencies or retirement.
Saving for retirement is crucial and having multiple streams of income could give you that boost to start maxing out your 401(k) or IRA.
Having additional income streams can also help you pay for large purchases like furniture, vacations, rental property or even a wedding in cash and avoid accumulating more debt.
Start Building Passive Income
I’m definitely not recommending you get three part-time jobs just to say you have multiple streams of income. That sounds exhausting, and I know because I worked two jobs in college as a single mom.
Aside from my full-time course load, I worked at a grocery store as a product demonstrator then got a second job at a restaurant.
Since my jobs were across the street from each other, I often found myself working a double shift. I would get to the grocery store at about 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. and work until 4:30 p.m. Then I’d run across the street and clock in at the restaurant to work 5:00 p.m. to close.
It was a draining schedule and didn’t make me any richer. I earned enough to get by and quit after about nine months when I couldn’t take it anymore.
To avoid getting yourself into a similar situation, I recommend establishing some flexible and passive additional income streams. They do take work in the beginning but they can be a great way to increase your net worth.
Start Adopting Millionaire Qualities
Finally, you should consider having multiple streams of income if only for the reason of thinking and behaving more like a millionaire.
The average millionaire has seven streams of income. If they’re not keeping all their eggs in one basket, why should you? Having multiple income streams will not automatically make you a millionaire but it will provide you with more options and financial security.
From there, you can take the necessary steps to build wealth. Multiple streams of income make it more than just a possibility.
three simple ways to create multiple income streams
Interested in getting started? Here are a few of the best passive income streams you can use to diversify your income:
Invest in dividend paying stocks: Many dividend paying stocks pay out on a quarterly basis. This is great for those in retirement or those simply wanting to create an additional stream of income. Ally Invest is a great option for this. It offers trades as low as $3.95 – an industry low.
Invest in real estate: Thanks to crowd funding, you can now invest in real estate for as little as $500 with Fundraiser. Using Fund rise, you can invest in either residential or commercial real estate and not have to deal with the work typically associated with managing real estate investments.
Rent out a room or a house: This is the other side of real estate investing. Do you have a spare room or a second house? You can rent it through Airbnb and make additional income from your property.
These are just a few of the ways you can create multiple streams of income. With a little creativity, there are many other ways to create different sources of income.
What are some other important reasons to have multiple streams of income? Are there financial goals you have that multiple sources of income could help you achieve? What other ways are you working to grow your wealth?

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Coconut Oil and Belly Fat

Send Holiday Flowers

I’ve run across some VERY interesting studies recently on the relationship between coconut oil (or any type of coconut fat, including coconut milk and cream) and how it can affect your body fat…

The findings may surprise you!

A 2009 study published in the Journal Lipids consisted of testing the effects of either 2 tablespoons of coconut oil or 2 tablespoons of soybean on a group of 40 women over the span of 28 days.

Results showed that the group that ate the coconut oil had a decrease in abdominal fat, while the soybean oil group actually showed a slight increase in belly fat. Additionally, the group that ate the coconut oil showed increased HDL ‘good’ cholesterol levels, while the soybean oil group had decreased HDL cholesterol and increased LDL ‘ bad’ cholesterol.

The Journal of Nutrition published a study where researchers investigated all studies relative to medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are abundant in coconut fat and weight management. The studies showed that diets rich in fats such as those found in coconut oil prompted a boost in metabolism, increase in energy, decrease in food consumption, reduced body weight and lower body fat mass. The study authors highly recommend using oils that contain MCFAs, such as coconut oil, as a tool to drop extra abdominal fat, manage a healthy weight, and even as a way to treat obesity.
Click Here!

Yet another study that assessed body weight and fat storage relative to three different types of diets including a low-fat diet, high-fat diet with long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and a high fat diet with MCFAs. In order to bring about weight gain, caloric intakes were adjusted for the diets. At the end of the research period (which lasted 44 days), the low-fat diet group stored an average of 0.47 grams of fat per day, the LCFA group stored 0.48 grams of fat per day, and the MCFA group only stored a mere 0.19 grams per day (despite purposely increasing calories). Those in the MCFA group (coconut fat) had a 60 percent reduction in body fat stored compared to the other diets.

Another added bonus of consuming organic coconut oil (and coconut cream or milk) is that it tends to make us feel fuller for longer. Studies indicate that MCFAs help increase feelings of fullness and lead to a reduction in calorie intake when compared to the same amount of calories from other fats. When MCFAs are metabolized, ketone bodies are created in the liver – these have been shown to have a strong appetite reducing effect helping you to lose fat faster.

If you thought from reading about how using coconut oil daily for helping to reduce abdominal fat is pretty incredible, you’re going to be blown away by the powerful health benefits of coconut oil on the page below… 9 MORE reasons to use DAILY coconut oil (including benefits to thyroid, brain, skin, oral health, heart health, detoxing, cancer, and more)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Reasons to use coconut oil.

The coconut is a "functional food" rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber - the essential nutritional building blocks for perfect health.
For generations, island people considered it "The Cure for All Illness" and consumed the meat, milk and coconut oil daily. Although this diet was high in saturated fat, Western conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease were virtually unheard of.
Filipinos and islanders were instead rewarded with a lovely youthful complexion, soft wrinkle-free skin, almost no skin cancer - even with excessive exposure to year round sun - and abundant good health.
Coconut oil in particular has been shown to protect you from viruses, bacteria, infection, cancer, thyroid, brain and heart problems... plus beautifies your skin - and even burns fat! 
Coconut oil - a saturated fat - is chock-full of health-promoting properties - and is in no way responsible for high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease and the bad effects you've been led to believe.
Finally, modern medicine and science are starting to realize this fundamental truth... and it's been a long time coming. But sadly not before heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and a whole host of other catastrophic diseases have reached epidemic proportions!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating
actually is.  Being food smart isn't about  learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it
about studying labels and counting calories.Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate eating, consisting of healthy meals at least three times per day.  Healthy eaters eat many
different types of foods, not limiting themselves to one specific food type or food group.
Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway.  You might eat too much or not enough, consume
foods that are sometimes more or less nutritious. However, you should always fuel your body and
your brain regularly with enough food to keep both your mind and body strong and alert.
A healthy eater is a good problem solver.  Healthy eaters have learned to take care of themselves
and their eating with sound judgement and making wise decisions.  Healthy eaters are always aware
of what they eat, and know the effect that it will have on their bodies.
When someone is unable to take control of their eating, they are also likely to get out of control
with other aspects of life as well.  They could end up spending too much, talking too much, even
going to bed later and later.  You should always remember that restricting food
in any way is always a bad thing.  Healthy eating is a way of life, something that you can do to
enhance your body or your lifestyle.  If you've thought about making your life better, healthy
eating is just the place to start.  You'll makelife easier for yourself, those around you, and
even your family. 

Lemony Baked Salmon With Asparagus and Bulgar

  • 1 cup Bulgar
  • 1 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth
  • kosher salt and black pepper
  • 1 pound asparagus (about 1 bunch), trimmed
  • 1 1/4 pounds skinless salmon fillet, cut into 4 pieces
  • 1 lemon, very thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
  • olive oil, for serving

  • Powered by Chicory

    How to Make It

    Step 1
    Heat oven to 375° F. In a large, shallow baking dish, combine the bulgur, broth, and ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper. Arrange the asparagus in a single layer on top, then place the salmon on top of the asparagus. Season the salmon with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper and top with the lemon.
    Step 2
    Tightly cover the baking dish with foil and bake until the bulgur and asparagus are tender and the salmon is cooked through, 25 to 30 minutes.
    Step 3
    Serve the salmon with the bulgur and asparagus. Sprinkle with the dill and drizzle with the oil.

    Monday, April 2, 2018

    HOW TO WIN POKER...Is there a sure way?

    HOW TO WIN POKER...Is there a sure way?

    As poker is very popular today and a favorite game to play among Americans, one may ask, if there really is a sure way to win at poker.
    The answer is simple.  Study and check out these guidelines, try them at poker time and see for yourself.
    Before starting to play the game, keep in mind these simple suggestions:
    *Inspect the site.  Make sure that it is authentic.
    *Read the terms and conditions of the site.  Check the maximum payouts and the minimum bets.
    *Allocate a budget for the day.  That budget will determine how much you are willing to lose or to win in the game. Stick to the limit.
    *Do not gamble if you can not afford to lose.
    *Practice playing the game.  Familiarize yourself with the game first before you play for real money.
    At the table, here are some warnings that you should always remember:
    *If you do make a big win, do not be greedy, stop.  Making a big win and gambling it all over again is a big sign of greediness.
    *In poker, overall winnings are what count most.  If you are losing, or have already lost your allotted money for the day, don’t try to win your losses back.  You won't.  Stop.  Tomorrow is another day.
    *Drinking alcohol is a big no no at poker time.  It can serious affect your judgment.  So stay away from it while on the game.

    Click Here!

    *Never take side bets.  Usually these are just gimmicks, so that more money will go to the casino.
    *Never gamble your hard earned money unless you are very much ready to lose it.
    While in the game, here are some important ideas to think about:
    *Gaze at your opponent's eye.  Survey all their moves.  Observe them, to better know them.  This way, you will fear them less.  This way, you will know when they are bluffing or not.
    *Play in silence.  Have that conversation with your self as well as think deep to your opponents actions. Concentrate.
    *Base your decisions on what the reality is.  See all movements as they are. Do not fear, instead, be calm and assess their moves accordingly.
    *Don't take it personally.  At the poker table, it is always unavoidable that your opponent can irritate you.  Never give in to such responses.  Stay within the good game.  Be cool and objective. This is a bluffing game.  But do keep in mind that just because your opponent has bluffed earlier, it does not mean that he does all the time.  Think tight.  Review each move.
    *Think about what your opponents have.  Create a situation.  So when deciding, you'll have a better chance to be right.
    *Know when to stop.  Is the hand that you are raising now the hand you folded a while ago?  This is a sign that you should go home.
    *Play to enjoy. Do not play if you are sad, bored or tired.  If you can't play having enjoyment as your goal, then don't play at all!

    Friday, February 9, 2018

    Collecting and Selling on EBay

    If You're Collecting, Ebay Selling is for You!

    If you or someone you know is interested in collecting, Ebay selling is something you need to get familiar with!  Ebay is a huge Internet site that allows people to sell or buy at auction almost anything you can think of.  There are very few restrictions on what you can buy or sell.  Are you fond of antique toasters? Bicycles?  Vintage rhinestone jewelry?  Stuffed toys?  Elvis memorabilia?  Whatever you are collecting, Ebay selling will probably have what you want.

    Ebay is essential to know about if you are enthusiastic about your collecting.  For instance, if you collect a particular type of antique or vintage dishes, such as Fiesta, you can search Ebay for exactly the piece you need to complete your set.  In addition to finding the exact item you are looking for, there is a possibility you'll get it for a great price as well.  That tangerine colored pitcher might be yours for a song.  You just have to look.

    Collecting is one thing, but what about when the collector gets more items than he or she can store?  What if they inadvertently collected duplicates of the same item.  Or what if you just have stuff you don't want anymore?  That's where Ebay selling can help.  You can list your item on Ebay, and another collector can find it and make a bid.  Ebay is a great way to recycle unwanted used items and make a few dollars as well as helping you with your collecting.  Ebay selling is not hard to learn, either.

    For just about every item you can name, someone somewhere collects it, and they are probably searching Ebay for what they want.  So whatever you are collecting, Ebay selling can help you generate the money needed to add items to your own collection while getting rid of things you don't need.  In addition, you can be gratified to know that the item you didn't want, like the bikes your kids have outgrown, or your vintage clock, was exactly what some other collector was seeking.

    Just like collecting, Ebay selling can get almost addictive.  It's a fun hobby that many people are discovering.  So where do you go if there's something special you are collecting?  Ebay!  Selling, you'll find, is almost as fun as collecting, so be sure to try it, too.  Remember, too, that Ebay can not only help you complete your collections.  It can also be a source for the things you need for other hobbies, interests, and needs in your life.

    Tuesday, October 3, 2017

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